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Review on Liverpool Sound and Vision (Uk)


"...the only thing to do in such a scenario is to face down the way you are going with Nåde and strike hard at the beast who suggests that to be avant-garde is an illusion too far." 4/5

Review on Rock Hard Mag (Fr)


"...L'essentiel est dans l'impossible classification de cette musique...
Un second album labyrinthique, plein de surprises et dont la force physique est indéniable..." 7,5/10

Review on She-Wolf (Ger)


".Die Songs sind fast immer im mittleren Tempo angesiedelt. Extreme Geschwindigkeit? Fehl am Platz! Aber das würde auch die Stimmung, die OMRADE hier verbreiten ziemlich zu Nichte machen..." 9/10

Interview on Objectif Live (Fr)


"Il y a un peu moins d’un an l’équipe d’Objectif Live avait eu un réel coup de cœur musical pour le groupe d’avant-garde métal français « Omrade », nous avions d’ailleurs consacré une interview à ses deux membres..." 

Review on Hallowed (Fin)


"This is a great album with great songs and I was very close to giving it six points which is a rating very few albums get from me; the album is excellently composed and has a great feel and flow to it...." 5/7

Review on (It)


" si inoltra in una fitta urbanistica immaginifica, pregna di strambi lidi autoriali, di dimore multiformi e di ruralità ultraccessoriate..." 8/10

Review on theoffbeatrhetoric


"...There are certain dramatized themes performed with a hybrid sound of jazz, trip-hop, electronica and metal. The last song “Falaich” is mainly orchestral and wraps up the entire album with a sentimental note..." 3/5

Review on RingMasterReview (Uk)


"...It is easy to suggest that if Edari impressed and impacted on you previously, Nåde will blow you away and for newcomers to OMRÅDE, the moment when music might just become much more than ear pleasing." 

Review on Metallus (It)


"...Molta dunque la carne al fuoco in questo album, in cui ogni traccia presenta parecchie sfaccettature e gli elementi che ricorrono più spesso fungendo in qualche modo da collante, sono un anarchico sax notturno  e le soluzioni sinfoniche a base di archi..."  7/10

Review on LoudAndProud (It)


"...con un delicato piano e poi trascina in una spirale violenta e buia di post-alternative rock. Un album per chi ama le alterazioni, gli esperimenti, le sorprese: ascoltatelo se vi piace saltare nel vuoto, entrare in una stanza buia, giocare col fuoco."  3,5/5

Review on Hintf (Braz)


"...Pode dar-se como referência de projetos de sonoridade similar os God Is An Astronaut. Um disco a escutar, ‘Näde’, um projeto a acompanhar, os Omräde."  7,9/10

Review on ReviewsToMyBlood (Es)


" ansiedad latente y psicodelia atrayente, dispuesta a dar a luz todo tipo de sensaciones que acompañen la oscura mezcla de electronica y metal que promulgan..."  9,6/10

Review on AngryMetalGuy


"...if you’re feeling as adventurous as pyromaniac skydivers, strap yourself into a tiny, white-walled room, pop the cork on some good shit, and let this one ravage your mind...."  3,5/5

Review on Metalitalia (It)


"...un’ottimo lavoro del duo francese, ancora una volta, e rimane assolutamente consigliato ai fan degli Ulver, e coloro che adorano le divagazioni stilistiche più disparate, di un’idea estetica perfettamente dedita alla composizione di brani efficaci, profondi e ben arrangiati..."  7,5/10

Review on Lords Of Metal (Nl)


"...Fans of soft and dark music should absolutely discover this album.This is the kind of album that makes me wish for cold winter evenings again. Nice and cosy on the couch, with a blanket and a glass of wine, and this music playing in the background. Beautiful album!"  81/100

Review on Objectif Live (Fr)


"Nåde est un album à la fois mélancolique, Dark, progressif, atmosphérique et bien plus encore, il en revient à vous auditeurs d’y ajouter d’autres qualificatifs.«Nåde» est beaucoup plus travaillé, plus mature aussi" 

Review on Darkdoomgrinddeath


" On  this  recording  Omrade  goes  for  more  of  an  avant  garde  and  post  style  of  metal  while  still  keeping  around  some  black  metal  elements,  the  production  sounds  very  professional..." 8/10 

Review on True Metal (It)


"Tanta carne al fuoco che è (un po') croce e (molta) delizia di questa nuova fatica degli Område. Un disco sorprendentemente bello, relativamente facile da assimilare, grazie alle grandi abilità compositive del duo francese..." 78/100

Review on Music Waves (Fr)


"Si "Edari" témoignait déjà d'une vraie personnalité, bien que nourrie à l'avant-garde norvégienne des Manes et Ulver, son héritier affirme plus encore cette signature qui ne doit plus rien à ce n'est à ses deux géniteurs épris de liberté et d'Absolu..." 4/5 

Review on Power Metal (Ger)


"Egal, welcher Form der experimentellen Musik man zugetan ist, eines steht schon jetzt fest: Das neue Album dieser genialen Franzosen sprengt wirklich alles und ist anno 2017 auf der Prioritätenliste ganz, ganz oben!" 9,5/10 

Review on Headbanger Reviews


"There’s a running risk of trying to make a different sound the likes of which hasn’t been heard before and it’s one that easily makes or breaks a band in terms of success..." 

Review on Toiletovhell


"Nåde feels like an album conceived in the mid-90’s with its industrial-era beats and surrealist attitude. Strings, piano, and even saxophone compliment earnest singing among a cold, dark landscape..."  

Review on Tempelores


"The longer you listen to the album, the more you feel what way they want to go with their sound and do you feel the whole coming together, it takes a bit of persistence for a new listener, to keep going with the band..." 

Review on Bleeding4metal (Ger)


"Nåde" ist plastisch und vielschichtig, vieldimensional und höchst sophisticated. Trotz aller Experimentierfreudigkeit verliert sich das Album niemals in Spielereien. Alles klingt porentief rein produziert, jede Note sitzt, wo sie soll." 8/10

Review on MetalEyes (It)


"In buona sostanza, questi due francesi ribaltano le abitudini di buona parte del metal rock avanguardista, dando la priorità alla sostanza più che all'apparenza..." 8,5/10

Review on Scholomance (Fr)


"De 'Malum' à  'Falaich', le duo nous propose une oeuvre accomplie, vivante, émotionnelle et sincère...Que dire si ce n'est qu'il sera difficile de surpasser cette réussite au prochain album!

Review on Ver Sacrum (It)


"Va da se che il pubblico più distratto e meno incline all’esplorazione lo torverà troppo ostico da affrontare; ma le sfide piacciono assai alla My Kingdom Music che sovente ne esce vincitrice, facendo sempre affidamento sulla costanza e sulla qualità dei suoi prodotti."

Interview on Obskure Mag (Fr)


"Le deuxième album est toujours un cap délicat. Confirmer, raffiner en même temps. Préciser l’intention, dépasser la première esthétique. Tout cela, Område le fait avec Nåde..." 

Interview on MATTI VIIKATE BLOG (Fin)


"Starting from the pictures and continuing into the music this is really artistic album altogether, the pictures are like straight from some art gallery and I mean that the best way possible. They are indeed very good..."

Review on Giornalemetal (It)


"un alchimia musicale dove l’estremo metal va a nozze con il jazz impazzito e sperimentale alla John Zorn per intenderci, e con momenti di calma, però ha una linearità e identità di fondo, questa è la cifra stilistica dei nostri, questa se non è arte, io non so che cosa sia...." 9/10

Review on La Legion Underground (Fr)


"...Second opus tout aussi réussi que le premier, ils ont su continuer à nous plonger dans leur monde avec la même qualité du début à la fin, et dans le prolongement d'"Edari". Un album techniquement abouti et envoûtant." 17/20

Interview on True Metal (It)


"After only two albums, French band Område made more than just a rumor in the panorama of avantgarde metal. I won't ask about influences, though they are quite clear. But I really would like to know how you write your music..." 

Review on Erdorin (Fr)


"Pour moi, c’est une galette qui pourrait être un sérieux concurrent au titre d’album de l’année. Område ne fait pas du metal à la papa! C’est effectivement avant-gardiste et, comme tous les albums avant-gardistes, Nåde est un exercice dans l’art du «jusqu’où peut-on aller trop loin?»"

Review on Intravenous Mag (Uk)


"Even if the words “avant garde” fill you with dread, or the thought of metal guitars intertwining with jazz sax solos makes you uneasy, you'd probably still find something on 'Nåde' to get your teeth into.»"

Review on Rocknrollmonuments (Gr)


"Για μένα το άλμπουμ αυτό είναι ένας μικρός θησαυρός που πρέπει να κουραστείς λιγάκι έως ότου ανακαλύψεις το μέγεθος της αξίας του. 

Review on HellHeaven


"Nåde é um disco de imagens, é um disco de viagens, um disco visionário, feito com bom gosto e sensibilidade. Se o Avantgarde tem um futuro ele está nos Område." 8/10

Review on PowerPlay Mag (Uk)


"...In short, beautifully psychotic" 9/10

Review on Metallized (It)


"...Se amate Ulver, Psyclon Nine e gli altri gruppi citati, questo disco fa al caso vostro, ma tenete a mente che non si tratta di una copia carbone, poiché gli OMRÅDE, pur riprendendo la lezione, aggiungono una buona dose di personalità." 72/100

PRESS "Nåde" Album

"Nåde" album (2017) DELUXE EDITION 
* Special deluxe edition limited to 50 copies
only including: 
- 2 panels digipack with 20 booklet pages 
- Special box in cardboard 
- 9 postcards painted by artist Jeff Grimal 
- official OMRÅDE t-shirt

Describe your event here and generate buzz. Where's it happening, and when does it start?


Interview on MATTI VIIKATE BLOG (Fin)


"Starting from the pictures and continuing into the music this is really artistic album altogether, the pictures are like straight from some art gallery and I mean that the best way possible. They are indeed very good..."

Review on Intravenous Mag (Uk)


"Even if the words “avant garde” fill you with dread, or the thought of metal guitars intertwining with jazz sax solos makes you uneasy, you'd probably still find something on 'Nåde' to get your teeth into.

Review on Rocknrollmonuments (Gr)


"Για μένα το άλμπουμ αυτό είναι ένας μικρός θησαυρός που πρέπει να κουραστείς λιγάκι έως ότου ανακαλύψεις το μέγεθος της αξίας του. 

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